Custom Sleep Apnea Appliances in Fort Smith, AR!
Sleep apnea can have a widespread effect on your life, and whether your main issue is chronic exhaustion or a lesser known symptom like irritability or brain fog, our Fort Smith dental team is here to help. Contact our office today to learn more about how we treat obstructive sleep apnea and how we can help you. We would love to help you sleep better and feel better!
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How do I know if I have sleep apnea?
If you experience common sleep apnea symptoms like loud snoring, gasping for air during sleep, excessive daytime fatigue, or difficulty concentrating, you may have sleep apnea. Some patients also report waking up with a dry mouth or headaches. A definitive diagnosis requires a sleep study, which measures your breathing and sleep patterns. If you suspect you or a loved one have sleep apnea, consult your doctor or a sleep specialist. Once you receive an official diagnosis, our team would be glad to assist you with treatment.

Can sleep apnea be treated by a dentist?
Qualified sleep apnea dentists play a vital role in treating obstructive sleep apnea, especially mild to moderate cases. River City Dental offers oral appliance therapy, which involves using a custom-made device to keep your airway open during sleep. These devices are comfortable, easy to use, and can be an effective alternative to a CPAP machine. Additionally, oral appliances are small and simple to transport, don’t require electricity or distilled water, and tend to be more comfortable for patients than a nose or face mask with a CPAP machine.

How do I get a dental device for sleep apnea?
Getting a dental device for sleep apnea starts with a diagnosis from your physician or sleep specialist. If an oral appliance is right for you, we’ll create a custom-fit sleep apnea device designed to keep your airway open while you sleep. Our process includes taking impressions of your teeth, fitting the oral appliance, and making any necessary adjustments to ensure comfort and effectiveness!
Contact us today to learn more about how oral appliance therapy can improve your sleep and health.
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